colocation pricing comparison

2U Server Colocation | 2U Colocation Pricing |2U Server Hosting


An organization that uses many servers for its site on the internet is constantly looking for a place where it can shift its servers. Having in-house servers or servers in a room will prove inefficient for you. Providing a proper environment to the servers is not within reach of most organizations. So, the organization chose to host the 2U server colocation hosting. A lot of organizations have shifted their servers into the colocation space. This way, their servers work at their best. The email shop provides a reliable colocation hosting service.

2U server colocation hosting – Explanation:

In colocation hosting, organizations buy, shift, and manage their servers in the hosting provider’s place. The hosting provider makes sure that all the server’s basic requirements like power, cooling, backup, power circuits, etc. The hosting provider offers you a space in the managed environment. You have to rent that space from the provider. After you rent out space in the managed environment, you will shift the servers you buy to host your site on the internet.

2U Server Colocation

Management of the servers:

The colocation provider will only be responsible for space and the equipment installed to manage the servers. They will not look after the maintenance and management of your servers. You are solely responsible for your servers.

This feature is suitable for organizations that do not want anybody to intercept their work. The organization has its own setups and plans. These organizations send their own IT teams that look after the management and maintenance of the servers. Usually, these IT teams are dedicated only to looking after the server, and organizations do not assign them any other task.

The organization that does not want to send their team for the server’s management can hire a professional team from the hosting provider. They have highly skilled professional IT operators that will look after the management of your server.

The advantages of 2U server colocation:

The cheap data center hosting provides a lot of reliability to the users. Colocation hosting has a lot of benefits with which a lot of organizations are making efficient progress in their business. These advantages are discussed below:

Pre-install server environment:

One of the most popular benefits of using colocation services is getting a pre-installed server environment. All you have to do is just shift your servers into the managed environment like a data center. They have all the basic requirements of a server like power circuits, uninterrupted power supply, etc. This saves you from the complexity of installing your own server environment. If you install your own server environment, then you might disturb your budget. And instead of making positive progress, you will make negative progress in the business. Using colocation, you can outbreak such costs and complexity and achieve your organization’s goals easily.


The scalability feature is essential when you are using a hosting service. Load on the sites is variable. Sometimes the traffic on your site increases more than your expectation. To handle such traffic, you need to add more resources. Using the feature of scalability, you will be able to add more resources while using the same hosting. Using single server colocation, you will be able to buy additional space in the racks if it is required.

High bandwidth:

Using colocation hosting, you will get high-speed internet. The hosting providers know that you are making a huge investment in your site. So, they provide you with an efficient bandwidth that allows you to easily handle your server that is placed in the off-site data center.


The colocation hosting provider knew that the server holds the sensitive information of the organization. The organization makes sure that any unknown source cannot access their data. The hosting provider has taken the measurements to prevent any unknown physical access to the server. They have installed features like CCTV cameras, security doors, Biometric verification, and highly trained security guards. They also keep your multiple servers in a separate localizable rack. If you need high security, they will provide you with a rack placed inside a locked room.

Consistent uptime:

The uptime is the time in which the server is active whenever the data is demanded from the user. Having consistent uptime is very important. Imagine a customer who visits your site and cannot have access to the facilities of your site. This will give a very negative impression of your organization. Using colocation hosting, you will get 99.99% uptime so that the user can easily utilize your site.

24/7 customer service:

Hosting sites on the internet is very complex. You might face some issues that are very difficult to solve. The hosting providers will give you 24/7 customer support that will guide you about your problems. Usually, hosting providers have a highly trained professional in their customer support. They will also suggest some settings that will suit your site’s work.


The 2U server colocation is the type of colocation hosting in which you will lease space in a managed environment like a data center. The colocation hosting providers have pre-install server environments like power distribution, power circuits, and cooling systems. Installing such features in your in-house server setup will be very complex and expensive. Most organizations avoid the installation of such features so that their budget will not get affected. In tower server colocation, management of the servers will the responsibility of the client. The hosting provider will only look after the environment and the rack space.  You can send your own team for the management of your site. If you need to buy more space in the colocation rack, you can easily extend it because colocation is scalable. If you are looking for a trustable hosting provider, you should visit the email shop. 

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