Key Differences between Managed and Unmanaged VPS Hosting

Key Differences between Managed and Unmanaged VPS Hosting


Once you decide you need VPS hosting, you have to choose between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting. Sometimes, it is confusing—the ease and comfort of managed VPS sound so exciting. But, at the same time, the cheap costs of unmanaged VPS attract you too. 

However, the decision is not a simple tradeoff between cost and comfort. There is a lot you have to think about. Therefore, we will discuss the critical differences between both types in this article so you can evaluate your situation accordingly and make the best choice. 

What Makes Transition to Virtual Private Servers Necessary?

Recall the circumstances of the early stages of your business website. High chances are you were trying to make way with little or no knowledge. Things looked pretty hard, but you did not give up. Instead, you invested your time and efforts and learned everything by hand.

Every business starts small. Over time, it learns, unlearns, relearns, and flourishes itself through good marketing and maintaining quality. When you start getting good clients and generating good sales, the traffic to your website also increases. 

The increased traffic can lead to decreased speed. It is hard for servers to process when the number of requests is too large. However, this relationship between traffic and speed is not always there. It only exists if your hosting packages are not good enough for your business needs. 

Nearly all businesses start from shared hosting since they do not want to spend too much on hosting at the initial stages. But business evolves over time, and its requirements change. You start receiving more traffic that shared hosting cannot entertain. VPS hosting are the best choice at that time.

But which ones? Managed virtual private servers or unmanaged virtual private servers? 

Let us find out. 

Introduction to Managed VPS Hosting

Managing the server requires three things: time, effort, and technical expertise. Go for managed VPS, and they will not be your concern anymore. Providers manage their time and put in their efforts. Their teams with professional technical expertise run your server and make sure your website is always up, secure, and running. They will look after core updates, maintenance, software installation, etc. As a business owner, you will have plenty of time to look after your core business. You can focus on sales-generating activities. 

Managed VPS is ideal if you are a new business owner with zero technical expertise. 

Introduction to Unmanaged VPS Hosting

The name is self-explanatory. Everything related to servers is the responsibility of the owner. The provider is only responsible for the physical server and its availability. You should already have some things if you prefer unmanaged VPS. 

You should have the technical expertise and dedicated in-house resources. It includes things like operating systems and all other server-related sources. Being technically sound is the first requirement to get unmanaged VPS. Moreover, you should be an established business rather than a struggling startup. It is a perfect choice if you are experienced and more cost-effective than managed VPS. 

What Benefits Will You Get?

Whichever type you opt for, the advantages are the same. So let us take a quick look at some of the best benefits of virtual private servers. 

  • You Get Root Access

VPS is the perfect balance between shared and dedicated hosting. It includes the features of both. It lets you enjoy the features of dedicated hosting without charging as much as dedicated servers. Also,  your website shares the server with other websites but has dedicated resources. Hence, you get complete root access. You can make changes and manage your resources in whichever way you think is best. 

  • Resources And Their Instant Provision

You get the resource right at the moment you launch the server. Resources may include things like operating system, RAM, and CPU. If your traffic suddenly rises, you can also scale the resources to meet your needs. But remember that it would be the scalability of resources, which does not always mean scaling the hosting plan. 

  • The Best Security

All websites share the server, but they are entirely isolated. No website can steal the resources of the other website. Whatever happens to one website, good or bad, has zero consequences on all other websites. Every user gets its dedicated IP address. That isolation leads to the best security that almost matches the security level of the dedicated servers.  

  • Unmatched Performance

VPS hosting offers two different types in regards to storage devices. One is SSD-based web hosting, and the other is HDD-based web hosting. However, SSD is the new trend, and its benefits are much more than HDD. Getting SSD VPS will ensure you get the best loading speed and reliable performance. Hence,  you can easily make your place in the search engine ranking.

Summary of Differences

Managed VPS Unmanaged VPS
1 No Technical Expertise Required Technical Expertise Required
2 Slightly Expensive Cheaper As Compared to Managed VPS
3 Provider maintains and upgrades the  server Provider does not maintain and upgrade the  server
4 You do not have control on your server You have control on your server

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Which VPS Should You Select

By now, hopefully, you know what situation demands VPS and what situation is unmanaged VPS is better for. It depends on how much effort you can put in, how much technical knowledge you have, and what stage your business is going through. 

However, just like choosing the right hosting type, choosing the right provider is also very important. Best partner ensures maximum uptime, robust security, and top-notch support. The Email Shop is one of the leading names. 

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