Managed wordpress Hosting UK

Benefits of Using a Managed WordPress Hosting in 2022


There has to be a solid foundation for running and scaling your business. A more practical approach would be to use Managed WordPress Hosting UK rather than hiring system administrators with WordPress experience to manage your website.

The Email Shop brings you this informative post about the benefits of managed WordPress hosting. We will talk some basics about the subject and then explain nine great advantages you enjoy when you use the best WordPress hosting in the UK that surely is managed.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting UK?

Managed WordPress Hosting is a type of web hosting solution that is tailor-made and optimized specifically for supporting WordPress websites and users. The server comes with the pre-installed operating system and cPanel installed.

Why Managed WordPress Hosting UK Exists as a Separate Option?

Unique needs of WordPress websites are the answer. These websites have different server resource footprints and unique security concerns.

Advantages of Managed WordPress Hosting UK

Here are the nine advantages of Managed WordPress Hosting UK.

  • High Uptime & Availability

Availability and uptime play a critical role in running an online business. Downtime can drastically decrease the revenue of running eCommerce stores. Also, it destroys the brand reputation and disturbs your site’s visibility to search engines.

Usually, all web hosts guarantee 99.9% uptime, and sadly, some of them do not keep their word.
High traffic puts strain on the server resources of WordPress websites. When the host is optimized for WordPress, use intelligent caching and robust database solutions. As a result, the website stays responsive and functional.

If you can make zero compromises on uptime, pick up a host that provides high-availability architecture spreading the workload over two or more servers in different zones.

  • Great Support

Addressing WordPress-specific technical concerns is much easier for a web hosting company that specializes in WordPress, as compared to a company that does not. If you talk to customer support, you will prefer someone with WordPress expertise and experience, so you do not have to wait long for problem-solving.
Shared and VPS hosts sometimes offer more budget-friendly rates than Managed WordPress hosting in the UK. However, when you face something like an attack on your WordPress site or uptime issues, it will take several days to email back and forth and get your request designated to someone familiar with WordPress. Meanwhile, you may face heavy financial losses.

  • High-Performance & Modern Hosting Stack

All reputable managed WordPress hosting providers always test the latest hardware and software. The purpose behind this is to find a suitable hosting environment for WordPress.
Many modern hosts leverage cloud platforms. They offer the hosting infrastructure advantages that traditional options usually do not. Two example platforms could be Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services.
A professionally managed WordPress hosting provider normally has its hosting stack built on AWS. This way, their clients get an almost infinite amount of server resources and the vast ecosystem that AWS has created. Also, they have 13 global data centers.

  • Automatic Updates

This is one of the great advantages. Managed WordPress hosting makes it easy for their clients to update the core WordPress applications and all needed plugins.

Keeping software updated is critical nowadays since data breaches have tremendously increased after the global pandemic. Updates are imperative for the security, performance, and compatibility of your site.

In fact, the well-managed WordPress host will update everything for you automatically. Also, it will monitor how each update impacts your website with the help of automated tests that ensure smooth running.

When it detects any problem, it will revert the update and restore your website to its last functioning condition.

  • WordPress Specific Security

Shared hosting packages typically offer very little help in case of malware attacks. Perhaps, the biggest motivation behind switching to managed WordPress hosting is secure WordPress hosting.

The routine software updates and specialized hosting environment guards your website better against hackers, bots, and other security concerns. Moreover, you get regular security checks.

  • Premium DNS

DNS, basically, is the phonebook of the internet. The browser uses DNS to translate the domain name into an IP address that dictates where to get that web page. This all starts when you enter a domain name in the browser.

Your domain going offline would be the last thing you may want after investing in your business. That makes it imperative to invest in a premium DNS.

Usually, shared and VPS hosting packages, and even many managed WordPress hosting packages, do not offer premium DNS. However, you may come upon the options that let you enjoy the benefits of a DNS system backed by Amazon’s Route53 service.

  • Developer Friendly Tools

Does your team want to be hands-on with your server environment? Well, managed WordPress hosting can provide you with many great developer-friendly tools. Most probably, you won’t get any of them with most shared hosting plans.

Some of the tools they offer are staging, GIT, and WP-CLI. Moreover, you get SFTP, database access, and error/access logs. The best thing is you also get support for customer PHP extensions, including New Relic, system crontab access, and more.

  • Scalability

It is the ability to quickly tackle and adapt to sudden traffic surges. For any online enterprise, scalability is more than paramount.

Unexpected pageviews require more resources. This often happens in the case of celebrity endorsement. As long as its hosting platform is configured to keep up with the increase in database requests caused by high traffic, WordPress is highly scalable.

Additional resources are required as the business grows, and the website gains more attraction. Another requirement that comes this way is an efficient collection of customer data. Not being able to scale fluidly will make it crash.

  • Fast Speed

While shared and VPS hosting packages rely on content delivery networks and caching plugins to get good page loading speed, managed WordPress hosting can take care of that for you.

Putting It All Together

So managed WordPress hosting in the UK is critical if you have to run a high-demand website. It becomes more critical when you have to manage a high-traffic WordPress website and do not have staff with WordPress technical expertise.

At The Email Shop, we help you manage your business with our remarkable managed WordPress hosting solutions.