Colocation pricing calculator

Server co location charges: Understanding Your Options and needs.


Server co location charges: What criteria do they use to charge you

Server co-location service is a type of hosting in which you lease space in the data center. The server you used requires multiple different factors to work correctly. When companies have a lot of servers, managing them becomes very difficult for them. Server co location charges you monthly for the space in the center, but you will be provided an efficient server environment. The email shop offers optimal plans for colocation services.

Server co-location charges:

In server colocation service, you buy the servers and other network infrastructure for your site’s hosting. Then to provide the optimal environment, you will rent a space in a managed environment.  The servers you use require efficient power and cooling systems. Otherwise, you will be unable to get the full advantage of the servers.  Co-location hosting is ideal for you if you are using in-house servers and looking to upgrade the location.

In Colo service, your services get efficiently distributed power to their systems. There are various cooling systems installed to keep your devices at optimal temperatures. In short, you get a complete environment for running your network infrastructure.

server co location charges

Server co location charges are justified as per their benefits?

Server co-location has a lot of advantages that make your organization’s progress rate high.

Reduced cost:

The co-location hosting reduces costs by outbreaking the cost of power and another network usage. If you have your own infrastructure, then creating an optimal environment for it is costly. Using co-location, you can get the servers in an efficient environment without spending money on their setup.  The co-location gives the customer with a predictable hosting bill. This predictable bill helps the clients to manage their finances proficiently.  This reduction in the cost will allow you to invest in other IT requirements for your business so that your organization will improve its growth.


The co-location allows you to buy the network infrastructure of your choice. This will enable you to buy the hardware of your choice. If your organization has made a lot of progress and you need more resources, the Colo services allow you to add more resources like CPU, storage, etc.  This scalability feature enables the organization to keep up with the pace of its growth.


The client chose the Colo service because they know that their site data will be demanded multiple times of the day. To provide such a feature, the hosting provider has to maintain consistent uptime. The uptime is the duration in which the server is operational.  The better the uptime, the easier the access to the site’s data.


To provide better control, they provide remote hands service. If you do not want to use the remote hand, you can also use the management software to manage the data.

Service level agreement:

A contract named service level agreement is used to clarify things between the client and the hosting provider.  You agree about the process, resolution response, audits, and some other things involved in the hosting. The terms and conditions for the agreement might be negotiable depending upon the provider.

Disaster management:

The service provider knows that the organizations have invested much in the servers. If the servers’ management center is damaged due to some disaster, many organizations will suffer from a huge loss. To prevent it, they take many actions to protect the center from the disaster. To protect from floods, they pick the area far from the river for the center.

Server co location charges criteria:

The colocation pricing calculator has many factors determining the cost of co location hosting. Some of them are discussed below.

Rack space:

The space your servers occupy in the racks plays a role in your colocation service price. Generally, it is measured in either square feet or racks unit (U).  You should check the rack capacity as nobody would like that when they shift their servers, the rack capacity is incompatible with the servers.  The providers also offer customizable racks. The standard size used for the racks is 4U. The hosting providers also offer rack space as small as 1U. 1u colocation pricing is generally a little less, but most people need more space than 1U.

Usage of power:

The co-location providers will charge you based on the power you use. The power is usually measured in data center pricing per KW. The charges will come in your monthly co-location bill. However, if the provider also has a backup power system and you want to avail it. Then there will be separate monthly charges for it. Having a backup is good because if for some reason, power goes out, your data remain unaffected.

Maintenance and hardware:

The hardware required for power, cooling, etc., requires maintenance. The hardware of the servers also needs maintenance. This maintenance cost will be added to your monthly colo bill.  Usually, providers have a flat monthly price for maintenance. This price is included in the SLS agreement you made with the providers.


Colocation providers have direct connections with internet service providers. They provide you with very high-speed internet for your critical load. This service is sometimes offered as an add-on service.


Server co location charges depend upon many factors. These factors are variable. Your need for the necessary facilities determines your monthly Colo cost. If you want to rent a rack, it will be charged in square feet or rack units.  The power requirement also adds to the colocation service’s monthly bill. The hardware of the servers in the center also needs maintenance. The colo service provides you with hardware maintenance. This service is usually charged at a flat rate. Using a co-location service, you bypass the cost of setting up the environment for managing the servers. Using co-location, you have made your site very flexible and efficient. The email shop offers you the best co-location service at a reasonable price.

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