Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Choose SSD Cloud Server

Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Choose SSD Cloud Server


Choosing the right hosting partner is a little tricky task. It is because you have to think about many things. One of them is storage type. You should know if you need an SSD cloud server or an HDD-based server. 

Yes, there are two storage types available. First is the traditional hard disk drive, and second is a new solid-state drive. This article is all about seven great reasons to switch to new technology.

How Do They Differ?

The primary difference between both is that hard disk drives are mechanical, and solid-state drives have no mechanical devices. A disk spins inside the HDD to make it work like a DVD. The disk serves both data reading and writing purposes. On the other hand, SSDs store data on microchips rather than moving parts. This is why they are called solid state.

Why Is SSD Hosting Better?

Let’s discuss why SSD hosting is better than HDD hosting. 

  • Faster Performance

No moving parts make writing and loading data much faster than a hard disk drive. This fast speed makes them a better candidate for your web. Unfortunately, your pages load too quickly in the user’s browser. It makes both humans and search engines like your website.

Search engines give you higher rankings and drive more people to your websites. As a result, you get more organic visitors. Also, high-speed users start liking your site, which increases the chances of sales. As a result, fast websites have lower abandonment rates. Also, their conversion rates are much higher than slow competitors. 

  • Better Data Security

Moving parts are the prime disadvantage of hard disk drives. This is why they also easily damage or break down. The chances of wear and tear are high. But, SSD, on the other hand, has no moving parts, so chances of data loss are also minimal. Therefore, the chances of disk failure are also minimal. 

So, SSDs are more reliable and durable. Data losses are often severe and even lead to wiping out the business. So you must have the most suitable backup solution and the most reliable storage, SSD.

  • DDoS Protection

SSD cloud servers perform the best in DDoS protection. The attacks do not directly harm or breach your confidential information. Instead, they keep overwhelming your servers using fake requests until it crashes. It is pretty dangerous for business websites to even go out of service for seconds. They could lose a lot of sales. 

The network architecture of VPS cloud servers keeps them safe from DDoS attacks. There is no single point of access to your website files. So even if one of them is infected by DDoS, others will keep working, and your website will not become unavailable. 

  • Better Multitasking

Hard disk drives can either read or write at the same time. But SSDs are capable enough to multitask and both read and write at the same time. That is why they are also good at executing web requests quickly. Therefore, HDDs cannot compete with them. And when web requests process fastly, websites perform much better even during peak traffic times. Also, the burden on your CPU is much less when read/write speed is good. So, the process has much more power left for other operations.

  • Better Performance of CMS Sites Like WordPress

Is your website built on a content management system like WordPress? Also, does it need a database? If yes, going for a solid state drive can improve your business. Content management systems rely on their databases. But, how a good website performs depends on its speed of reading and writing data. So, an SSD can make a significant difference.

  • Cheaper and greener to run

The motor operating inside the HDD also produces heat since it constantly uses power. Due to heat, you have to use internal cooling fans and external air conditioning. That increases the expenses as well as the carbon footprint. 

We know that SSD drives do not operate through motors. Hence, they use significantly less energy and produce less heat. This leads to reducing power needs and also carbon emissions. When power consumption is lesser, companies can provide cheaper packages and improve the environment. SSD is an environment-friendly solution. 

  • No More Defragging

Here is another drawback of hard disk drives. They store the bits of data in the first space they can find. They do it to speed up the writing process. But that leads to slowing down the reading process. The single file’s data is scattered across the disk, and you may need to traverse the entire disk to read it. To open the file, you have to bring all bits together. 

So why not fragment the data on your drive so that all bits of the file are already together? Because if data reading takes so much time, that will increase the web page’s loading speed. So, regular defragmentation of hard disk drives is necessary to keep pace. 

But, on the other hand, the SSD already saves the data correctly. All bits of the same file are in the same place from day one. So you do not need to defragment it. Hence, data loads faster, and web pages load quickly.

  • Solid State Drives Are Affordable

Yes, SSD drives cost more than HDDs. Yet they are not too expensive. You have to pay slightly more and enjoy better speed, availability, and performance. 

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SSD hosting ensures full availability, the best speed, advanced DDoS protection, and great support. It is a great option that makes your website likable for search engines and drives more traffic. 

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