Linux VPS Hosting

Why is Linux VPS Hosting the Best Choice?


Linux has been a top choice for web servers for a long time. It was introduced in the early 1990s. Linux has many advantages that make it the best choice for VPS servers. 

This article’s scope is the basic concepts behind virtual private servers and their top benefits that make Linux VPS hosting the best choice.  

Linux Hosting

Linux hosting is when the server uses Linux as an operating system. Operating systems are one of the most critical applications for any device. OS allows all hardware to respond appropriately to the requests of the clients. OS is also necessary for even single-user devices. The role is even more critical when it is a web server. 

Here are some essential roles of operating systems. 

  • It runs applications.
  • It manages input and output operations.
  • It manages and detects errors. 
  • It allocates resources (CPU time, memory, etc.)

Top Benefits of Linux

Here are some of the benefits that Linux brings to the table.


In the early days, Linux was freeware, and even today, after three decades, it is free. This is also free for operating web servers. It has undergone many changes over time, but you can’t find more than a few paid Linux distros in the market. 

So, Linux is a highly cost-effective choice for a web host. However, you will have to pay for server administration. Also, Linux is a less demanding server for server hardware. 

Unlike Linux, Windows is known to be a resource-hungry operating system. The more resources you add, the more greedy it becomes. It may sound a little dramatic, but technically it is true.    


Linux offers the best flexibility levels. The secret is the design philosophy its developers had in mind while developing. As a result, Linux is a highly adaptable operating system that can morph itself to adjust to any environment. 

A lot of distinct areas combine to make up the Linux operating system. 

Kernel – It is the innermost part that handles core instructions. All crucial components like memory and processor receive the instructions from the kernel.

Bootloader – Bootloader has only one task to perform. It manages the startup of the device.

Daemons – Linux has daemons just like Windows has processes. They have the same functions in Linux. However, Linux has much more control over daemons than Windows has over processes.

Shell – Shell lets Linux users input commands, just like DOS allows Windows users. However, the shell is much more visible in Linux than DOS is in Windows.

Desktop Environment – Users with less technical knowledge can work efficiently with this lesser complex area of Linux. Linux treats desktop environments like replaceable themes. They are a significant part of the operating system for Windows. 

Package managers and packages – Users can manage and install applications with these GUI-friendly options. Also, dependency management is the responsibility of package managers. They will be the ones to decide if application X needs application Y or application Z to work.

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All these items work together to make up Linux. 


Linux’s design allows you to take many steps to secure your device. However, that requires in-depth knowledge. You must have expert administrators. Linux is only as secure as the user’s knowledge. Even simple communications need security elements like Shell, SFTP, or Secure Copy. These elements decide how the file will move from point A to point B. 

You can also reduce vulnerabilities by enabling the services you need. For example, every open port, service, or application could be a weak spot that attackers can use to enter the system. 


Linux was previously known as a much more reliable operating system than Windows. Things changed a little bit when Linux servers became popular. However, now, Linux has got the edge again. Incidences of penetration are much lower than in Windows. If you are a Windows user, you must know how frequently it needs rebooting. A single application update can demand rebooting no matter how good everything is.

If you are using any VPS system, you must have considered reliability before buying. Reliability ensures good uptime, and uptime is the most critical factor for eCommerce websites. Unreliable systems or poor uptime can damage your reputation severely. You cannot reboot your system while customers are making purchases. So, it would be best to choose Linux for your VPS environment. You can avoid the instability that comes with frequent reboots. It would help protect your brand reputation and reduce operational and administrative costs. 


However, Linux works efficiently now with an intuitive GUI and smooth setup. The simplicity of Linux is also the result of its super design. Also, so many distributions of Linux are available, so every organization or individual can find one suitable for him. All distros are different in management and deployment. Some are difficult to deploy and handle.

   Putting It All Together

Let us be honest. When people cannot decide between Linux and Windows, they are confused between the features of both operating systems. However, it is not like they are confused about which one has better features. Instead, the reputation of Linux as a hard-to-learn operating system is their top concern. Linux is just like a fear of the unknown for them. But as we just discussed, Linux has morphed into an exceptionally user-friendly operating system with some fantastic core benefits. 

So do not reject Linux just because it is unfamiliar. Instead, choose after looking at both systems’ pros and cons and then considering your requirements. 

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